Mugwort is not the best-known herb for medicinal or culinary use. But in magical herbs circles, it enjoys a special reputation. Mugwort is a herb of journeys, facilitating travel in the physical or astral realms.
In this post, we will explain how mugwort can aid you in your own spiritual journey, as well as some of its healing properties and household uses.
Mugwort Magical Properties
Mugwort’s energy is feminine and lunar, linked to the unconscious, dreams, and mysticism. Below, we explain how you can use it as you walk your magical path.
○ Embrace the Feminine Divine
The scientific name for mugwort is Artemisia vulgaris. Not surprisingly, in the western world, mugwort is believed to be the herb of Artemis, Greek goddess of the hunt. The Romans called her Diana.
In Eastern mysticism, mugwort also is linked to female divinity as well, most prominently Ho Hsien Ku, known as the goddess of health or the “immortal woman.”
Whatever your spiritual traditions or practices, you can use mugwort to connect to your own feminine energy.
○ Mugwort Evokes the Power of the Moon
With its ever-changing nature, the moon is a powerful symbol of transformation. Magical practitioners believe that they can evoke its power by timing rituals to specific moon phases.
Mugwort’s spiritual nature is also that of the moon. Its energy complements and opposes that of chamomile, the herb of the sun.
There are numerous ideas for spells and rituals using lunar magic that you can find online and in books. Try incorporating mugwort into some of these rituals. You can think of the herb as a conduit through which the moon’s energy flows.
○ Use Mugwort to Connect With Dreams and the Unconscious
With its connection to the moon, it follows that mugwort also has an association with sleep and dreaming. In particular, practitioners use it to try and stimulate lucid dreaming.
Its psychoactive compounds (see the FAQ) also contribute to its popularity for this application.
- If you want to lucid dream, you can try putting a sachet with mugwort under your pillow.
- Another approach is to burn mugwort incense or a candle before bedtime. Focus on what you want to dream about, and then let yourself drift off for your night adventure.
- You also could brew a mugwort tea for lucid dreaming, which is a viral practice that has taken off recently on TikTok.
You may find that some of your dreams with mugwort are unexpected, however, because mugwort is renowned for its ability to help us tap into our unconscious minds.
You might even find yourself confronting some uncomfortable truths. But through them, you will learn, grow and transform.
○ Magical Properties of Mugwort for Clairvoyance and Divination
If you are looking for insights into how your future journey may unfold, mugwort may offer some tantalizing glimpses ahead.
It is said that mugwort can enhance clairvoyant abilities, helping us see beyond our present visible reality.
You can even use mugwort for divination. Try burning mugwort while you do a tarot reading, gaze into a crystal ball, or use a set of runes.
You could even conduct a divination ritual with the mugwort itself. This can be as simple as gathering a handful of herbs, closing your eyes, and scattering them in front of you on the ground. Open your eyes and see what images the herbs have created.
○ Mugwort is Your Herbal Friend for Life’s Journeys
Ancient lore says that Roman soldiers on long marches used mugwort to soothe their feet and combat fatigue. They rubbed it in their sandals to ease their journeys.
There does not appear to be research into whether mugwort has chemical properties that might help ease fatigue or pain, but for centuries, magical practitioners have been following in the footsteps of the ancient Romans, using mugwort in their shoes as they go on walks or hikes.
If you are taking a pilgrimage to a spiritual site, think about applying mugwort the same way. Whether it eases fatigue in your feet or not, it may help to soothe spiritual fatigue as you journey to your destination.
Indeed, mugwort can be a companion for figurative journeys as well. Burn this herb or apply diluted essential oil to your skin when you need a metaphysical boost.
Healing Properties and Household Uses of Mugwort
Beyond its uses in magic and ritual, mugwort is said to have healing properties in traditional medicine. Some chefs also use it in cooking.
○ Traditional Chinese Medicine
For thousands of years, mugwort has played a role in a traditional form of medicine in China called “moxibustion.”
This practice, which involves burning mugwort near acupuncture points, may be helpful for menstrual cramping, relaxation and more.
Keep in mind that you should not use this herb if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. It is unsafe for your child.
○ Season Your Dishes with Mugwort
Mugwort is sometimes used as a seasoning in preparing dishes made with fish or meat. You also can find recipes for mugwort soup. Mugwort is popular in Asian recipes and may help you to capture the flavours of the Far East.
Here is a recipe for mugwort soup you can try that includes garlic, mushrooms, spring onions, russet potatoes, and other delicious ingredients.
○ Mugwort Keeps Moths Away from Your Plants
Mugwort has some insect-repellent properties. In particular, moths stay away from it. So, if there are plants in your yard that moths are infesting, consider planting mugwort next to them. In the future, moths may not be as keen to munch on your plants.
If you are lucky, you may not need to use pesticides. Companion planting with mugwort may therefore help to protect beneficial insect species and maintain a healthy garden ecosystem.
Frequently Asked Questions about Mugwort
You now know how you can use mugwort in the home and garden and a bit about its healing properties. But it is important to address a couple of frequently asked questions about mugwort’s physical properties and safety.
Is mugwort toxic?
There is a compound in mugwort called “thujone.” In high concentrations, this compound is poisonous. Thankfully, this herb only contains the compound in low concentrations. So long as you do not exceed safe dosages (and are not pregnant or breastfeeding), you should be fine to use it.
Is mugwort psychoactive?
The thujone compounds in mugwort are psychoactive. Indeed, it is possible to brew absinthe from wormwood, another plant that also contains them. You can learn more here about thujone.
Is mugwort and wormwood same?
Wormwood is a type of mugwort, despite being called by another name. There are multiple species of mugwort, but all are related under one Artemisia family – the same as wormwood.