If you are trying to shift to your desired reality, you will notice the instructions for a lot of different shifting methods mention getting into what is called the “starfish pose.”
The starfish pose is a posture that is popular in yoga and meditation, which can help you detach from your current reality in order to shift.
In this post, we will tell you exactly what the starfish position for shifting is, why it is so powerful for shifting, and offer you some recommendations to make it comfortable and effective.
What is the Starfish Pose?
The starfish pose is one where you are lying down with your arms and legs splayed out and not touching one another.
As we mentioned, this is a popular pose for far more than just reality shifting. In yoga, it is the same as Shavasana, also called “Mritasana,” or “Corpse Pose.”
It is typical to finish up a round of yoga relaxing in this position. Practitioners say that Shavasana reduces fatigue and imbues the mind with a state of calmness.
The starfish pose is also used for Yoga Nidra, which is a deep relaxation practice similar to meditation. It is difficult to summarize in words what Yoga Nidra is, except to say that it involves entering a sleep-like state that can ultimately lead to the experience of pure consciousness.
Why the Starfish Position for Shifting is Ideal

When your arms and legs are not touching, it can help you to detach from your current reality. You can also relax and let go of the stresses of your everyday life.
It seems likely that the starfish position works on the principle of sensory deprivation. As explained here in Discover Magazine, sensory deprivation can produce heightened activity in the visual cortex.
This heightened activity could help you visualize your desired reality(DR), and ultimately, travel there. If you start to experience shifting symptoms while trying to shift in the starfish pose, then you probably are close to your DR.
Tips for Using Starfish Position Effectively
For many people, the starfish position is deeply comfortable. But for others, it may not feel like the most natural position. Below are a few tips for making the starfish pose work for you.
○ Supporting Your Neck and Back

It is very important to make the starfish pose as ergonomic as possible—especially if you have problems with your neck or back.
- Try lying down with a neck roll to maintain the natural curvature of your neck or with a pillow that provides adequate neck support.
- If your lower back hurts, you may want to prop up your knees. In fact, bending the knees is common practice with Shavasana in yoga. We suggest putting a pillow underneath them so you will not be focusing on keeping your legs upright. Then, you can fully relax.
○ What to Do With Your Arms
Some people interpret the concept of the starfish pose very literally and splay their arms out to the sides or even up above their head.
This may not be ideal for those with neck or shoulder pain. But you do not have to have your arms positioned like this. You can keep them relatively close to your sides.
All that is important is that your arms are not touching your sides or any other part of your body.
○ The Importance of Stillness

Once you get into the starfish pose to shift, try really hard not to move around. Each time you do, you are going to pull awareness back into your current reality body, which will distract you from shifting to your desired reality.
The longer you can lie still, the easier it will be to start becoming aware of your DR body instead.
What may help you with lying still is to make sure you are lying down in as comfortable an environment as possible. Make sure it is neither too warm nor too cold, and that neither your bedding nor your clothes chafe, itch, or annoy you in any way.
Methods You Can Try With Starfish Position Shifting
What is wonderful about the starfish pose is that you can use it with just about any reality shifting method you choose. A few it works particularly well with include Lucid Dream Shifting, Julia Method Shifting, and Pillow Method Shifting.
Even if you like to sit up when you are shifting, you can still make use of the starfish pose. Just recline against a surface with your knees propped up and your legs apart, with your arms at your sides, not touching your body.
Shift to Waiting Room in Starfish Position

You can shift to your waiting room in the starfish pose. In fact, you could even incorporate this plan into your waiting room shifting ideas.
The simplest example would just be shifting from the starfish pose in your current reality bed to the starfish pose in your desired reality bed.
But you could also shift from your current reality bed to floating on your back in a pool in your desired reality.
Frequently Asked Questions About the Starfish Position
You now know how you can use the starfish pose comfortably and effectively when shifting realities. But you probably still have some questions about this pose. Below, we answer some of what we frequently see shifters ask about the starfish position.
Q: Does sleeping on your back in the starfish position make dreams more vivid?
A: According to research, sleeping on your back may be associated with more nightmares and reduced dream recall. But there is a ton of individual variation, and some sleepers do report more vivid (and pleasant) dreams when sleeping on their backs.
Reality shifting is not the same thing as lucid dreaming; however, it involves sending your consciousness to another world. For this purpose, the starfish pose is ideal. If you are worried about nightmares, harness the protective power of black tourmaline.
Q: Does sleeping on your back in the starfish position increase the odds of sleep paralysis?
A: Yes, sleep paralysis may be more likely when you are lying on your back. This may actually be conducive to shifting, however.
When you experience sleep paralysis, you are aware of your body and CR surroundings, but your mind is dreaming.
It may be hard to move your body, but you also may feel less confined by it, able to project your consciousness from it to explore beyond.
Q: Do you have to be in the starfish position to shift?
A: No, you do not have to be in the starfish position to shift successfully. While it works well for many people, you can shift to your DR in any position where you are comfortable, relaxed, and able to focus on your intent to shift.
What if you like the starfish pose but cannot fall asleep on your back? The starfish position works just fine for non-sleep shifting as well. Try it with an awake method instead.