One of the simplest ways to reach your desired reality is to focus on where you want to go, close your eyes, and drift off to sleep.
In this post, we will share some of the best sleep shifting methods with you for rapid and successful reality shifting.
But first, let’s talk a bit about why sleep methods work great for so many people and how it feels to shift through sleep to your desired reality(DR).
Why Do Sleep Methods Work So Well for Shifting?
When we sleep, we enter an altered state of consciousness. In fact, between hypnagogia, dreaming, and deep sleep, we pass through multiple states of being that are very different from our waking lives.
In those states, we can have experiences beyond our everyday, ordinary current reality(CR) lives. We can unlock mystical doors within our minds, stepping through them into new possibilities.
When trying to shift to a different reality, you need to disconnect from your CR and expand your consciousness, which is exactly what sleep makes possible.
Sleep also gives us a convenient “reset.” There is a break in continuity. When you are trying to shift while awake, you might feel “tethered” to your CR. But sleep sets you free.
What Does It Feel Like to Shift Realities With a Sleep Method?

Some people become aware they are shifting as they are falling asleep. They may experience shifting symptoms such as floating or tingling. They then wake up in their DR.
Others might shift while dreaming. They could, for example, open a portal to their DR from within a lucid dream.
Still, others might experience nothing unusual while falling asleep or dreaming. They simply drift off as usual, but with an intention to shift. They then wake up in their desired reality.
Note that you do not need to fall asleep to shift realities. While many people find it helpful to do so, it is possible to shift realities while you are wide awake. Take a look at some awake shifting methods if you prefer.
10 Best Sleep Shifting Methods
Now that you know why sleep is so conducive to shifting, you are ready to give it a try! Here are some simple sleep shifting methods for beginners.
1. Pillow Method
One classic method for sleep shifting is the Pillow method shifting. This technique involves literally sleeping on your script.
The whole idea is to place a piece of paper with a script underneath your pillow before sleeping or resting and then use this guide and the intent of what you wish to attract while you shift.
As always, the role of music that raises your vibrational energy levels and the power of positive statements plays a big role in the process.
2. Swirly Eye Method

Swirly eye method shifting involves a combination of visualization, counting, affirmations and eye movements. At the end of the technique, you let yourself drift off to sleep, then wake up in your desired reality.
Lie down, close your eyes and start counting to 100. Keep it slow and steady so that you drift off to sleep before reaching 100. During counting, make sure to keep affirming what you want to see in your dream realm.
After a certain time, start rolling your eyes (with your eyes closed) and keep affirming during the process.
The rolling can continue and should only be stopped if you feel strain. Slowly continue while you affirm, and this helps in clicking your neurons to your wishful realm, and when you open your eyes in your sleep, you are there.
It is worth reading about how to do this method in detail, as the eye-rolling may not be intuitive.
3. Intention Method
Next, we have the Intention method shifting, a sleep shifting method without visualization or any complicated prep work. You just need to intend that you will arrive at your DR.
The intent must be thought about or spoken right before you drift off to sleep. For example- You can say, “I intend to shift to my desired reality as soon as I fall asleep”.
The reason behind this is that the sooner you sleep after having set your intention, the lesser time your brain has to speculate or doubt it. This method and the Julia method are our top suggestions for non-visualizers.
But you may be able to adapt visualization-based sleep shifting methods to your needs with some simple modifications. For example, you can replace the visualizing steps with affirmations.
4. Alarm Method

The Alarm Method Shifting actually refers to two different techniques for shifting. In one of the methods, you visualize setting the alarm in your DR, and tell yourself before going to sleep in your CR that when your DR alarm goes off, you will wake in your DR.
The second method entails setting the alarm in your CR to wake you up in your CR after you have been sleeping a while. Then you fall back asleep but attempt to enter a lucid dream state and then shift from there.
5. Lucid Dream Method
Just as there are a couple of different Alarm methods, there are several different Lucid dream method shifting. One involves opening a portal like a doorway or a gate to your DR from within a lucid dream.
Another entails using a book, TV, or computer screen as a lucid dream portal to your DR. The third technique is the most elaborate and requires you to create your DR environment and scenario in a lucid dream.
6. Alice in Wonderland Method

To shift using the Alice in Wonderland Shifting method, you perform a visualization where you follow someone from your DR into a rabbit hole and then find yourself in your DR.
It can work well as a sleep method because a visualization like this can easily transition you into dreaming if you are lying down and sleepy. In fact, it can combine well with the Lucid Dream method portal technique.
7. Train Method
You can use the Train Method Shifting to enter your DR by visualizing that you are on a train and that when it arrives at the station, you will be in your DR. This technique can be an especially good one for shifting to Hogwarts.
We recommend it especially as a sleep method because the relaxing view out the train window in your visualization can carry you off to the world of lucid dreams as easily as it can transport you to your DR.
Once again, it may be worth combining with the Lucid Dream method.
8. Julia Method

The Julia Method Shifting is a simple but effective method for shifting that can be used for asleep or awake shifting.
While in a starfish-like position, start the mantra with “I am” as a prefix. Add anything next to it to describe the mantra even more meaningfully. Let these mantras be in the present tense as if what you are saying has already happened.
Repeating a mantra like “I am” over and over can have a hypnotic effect that is conductive to sleep, which is why it works so well as a sleep method.
9. Hug Method
The Hug method shifting is a visualization-based technique for shifting where you imagine getting out of bed in your DR, hugging a special DR person, and spending a day with them.
Then you picture going back to sleep in your DR while doing so in your CR. This method combines well with the Alarm method.
10. Sunni Method

The Sunni Method Shifting is all about tricking your brain into thinking that you are in a particular situation. It involves persuading your mind by saying that you are already in your desired reality.
This can be induced by using sounds, sensations, subliminals or just plain silence. While you can use it as an awake method, it is a popular bedtime ritual for many people trying to shift to their DR.
How to Make Sleep Shifting Methods More Effective
You will have the best luck with any of these sleep shifting methods if you have good sleep hygiene. That means making your room dark, maintaining a comfortable temperature, getting a supportive pillow, etc.
It also means avoiding eating large meals late at night or doing stressful activities before bed. Keeping a piece of crystal like moonstone under your pillow may also invite restful sleep and easier shifting.
A lot of people like to shift in the starfish pose, which means lying on your back with your arms and legs not touching. But you can shift in any position you want.
It is perfectly fine to fall asleep on your side or on your stomach. Just make sure you are sleeping ergonomically for your comfort and health.
Frequently Asked Questions About Shifting Reality
You have several powerful sleep shifting methods to try now, all of which are easy for beginners. But you might have some questions about reality shifting sleep methods. Let’s go over answers to some common questions now.
Q: Is reality shifting the same as lucid dreaming?
A: No, reality shifting and lucid dreaming are two different things. Reality shifting is sending your consciousness to another universe.
Most shifters report far more coherent, stable environments when describing reality shifts than you would expect to encounter in a dream, however lucid.
Q: Can some sleep methods be used as awake methods, and vice versa?
A: Yes! You do not have to fall asleep at the end of a sleep method if you do not want. Instead, you can just script it so that you will be in your DR when you open your eyes.
You can also use awake methods as sleep methods simply by modifying them, so you go to sleep at the end and wake up in your DR.
Q: Can you get sleep paralysis from shifting realities?
A: In and of itself, shifting should not lead to sleep paralysis. If you are messing around with your sleep cycles or lucid dreaming, however, sleep paralysis might result for those who are prone to it.
We have actually seen reality shifting methods that use sleep paralysis as a launch point for shifting; however, if you do experience it, it may not be a bad thing.